
Am I eligible to vote in Colorado?

In Colorado, you are eligible to vote if:

  • You are a U.S. citizen

  • At least 18 years of age on Election Day

  • Registered to vote

  • A resident of the State of Colorado for a minimum of 22 days prior to the election.

In 2013, Colorado became the first state to allow 16 and 17-year-old citizens to pre-register to vote when they got their driver's license. Within four years, more than 150,000 young people took advantage of that change in the law, and in 2018, 60% of young people in Colorado voted, far exceeding the national average of 30%.

In Colorado, you cannot register and vote if you are currently serving a sentence in a correctional facility for a felony conviction. On the day you are released from incarceration or detention, you become eligible to register to vote. You must re-register to vote as your prior registration will have been canceled.

You can register and vote if you are:

  • On parole or probation

  • In jail, while awaiting trial, or out of jail on bond while a criminal case is pending

  • In a state institution for those with behavioral or mental disorders. As long as you are registered to vote, would like to vote, and have the ability to direct how you would like to vote, you are allowed to vote in Colorado.

  • Homeless or without a fixed permanent residence

When is Colorado's voter registration deadline?

  • Colorado offers Election Day voter registration at Voter Service and Polling Centers.

  • You may register online up to 8 days before Election Day.

  • If registering by mail, voter registration drive, at a DMV facility, or high school, you must be registered 22 days before Election Day.

How do I request an absentee ballot in Colorado?

Every registered voter in Colorado is mailed a ballot no later than 22 days before an election.

What special accommodations are available?

Colorado is committed to ensuring every eligible voter can vote. If your polling place is not accessible, make your county election office aware of your concerns. Your county clerk may move the polling location to somewhere else in the building or provide a place to sit.

Individuals with disabilities must, under Colorado laws, be given a way to complete their ballot without help. Each county has purchased accessible voting machines that cover a wide range of disabilities.

  • November 5, 2024 - General Election



